What a Girl's Lipstick Color Means

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I had never really realized that people placed so much emphasis on lip color. It wasn't until watching "Cake Hunters" that I heard that red lipstick was somehow suggestive or inappropriate for a 16 year old (but any other shade was perfectly acceptable). This seemed silly to me.

I wear lipstick everyday, and I had never put much thought into what the color supposedly "said" about me. I only thought "does this match my outfit?", "does it look good?", "is it too bold or outlandish on me?". I never once thought that light pinks made people assume I was kind or flirty, that oxblood meant I was sultry. Color doesn't define a person, does it?

When choosing lipstick colors, the only "feelings" I thought about were the vibe or mood of my entire ensemble. I might choose bright red if I was going for a vintage look, calling to mind Victory Red. Or plum if my outfit consisted of dark colors, seeming mysterious and chic. Or bright pink if my clothes were fun and cheerful. Never has my lipstick been a reflection of me, my personality, my values. Think about it, if I am kind and caring and baby pink supposedly shows that, would I wear baby pink lipstick with an emerald evening gown? The "What Not to Wear" watcher in me hopes not.

So why would wearing red lipstick, with my red polka dot dress, mean that I am on the prowl for a man? Going back to the question of appropriateness that "Cake Hunters" brought to my attention, I understand not wanting your daughter to wear super dramatic makeup too soon. However, once giving the green light on colored lipstick, why limit the colors? Wearing cerise versus wearing coral lip color doesn't set a girl on a slippery slope, especially when she's already wiggled her toes in the world of makeup. And more than likely if you start your daughter on a "natural" (how natural is any lipstick, honestly) route, she will work her way up to brighter, more saturated colors with class, dignity, and discretion.

When I wear a vibrant color that maybe takes me out of my comfort zone, I don't worry about how others perceive me (at least not too much). I wear the lipstick I wear because it makes me happy. It makes me feel stylish. But most importantly, when I put on the perfect color, I feel put together, sophisticated, and confident--I am powerful, like an editor of a fashion magazine or a
polished socialite, like any woman of importance. I guess lipstick does say something about a girl. It says that she's unafraid to try something new. That she is confident in herself enough to say, "I'm wearing makeup because I want to, and it looks fabulous."

There is no such thing as a scandalous red lipstick lady. Ladies, go out there in purple, pink, red, or naked lips feeling like Maya Angelou's "Phenomenal Woman" every single day.

Be confident in everything,


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